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Educational Links

Everyday Math Online


This site is connected to our math curriculum. It provides great practice with math facts for automaticity. Games include the "Facts Workshop Game" and "FactDash".


Students should already have their log-ins. If you do not, please let me know.


This is the old Everday Math site, the new one will be up soon with updated content for students. 




Softschools is another great math resources that provides games, drills, worksheets and test preparation if you so choose to use it (this link leads to the math games section of the site). But it also offers practice across grade levels and subject areas. If you'd like enrichment in English, Science, or Social Studies; it's all there.




TED Ed is an educational YouTube channel created by TED (the same organization that makes TED talks). These are roughly five minute videos that usually include animation to help teach young students about all kinds of interesting subjects from the mouths of experts. Topics range from the journey of a "literary hero" to an overview of the Higgs Boson particle. Videos are fun, interesting, and a good way to spend some downtime.



Newsela is a site that takes current events news articles and allows you to change the difficulty of the text to make it more age appropriate. You can adjust text difficulty from about a fourth grade level up through 12th grade. You will need to sign up as a parent and create a long-in and password to access the site.

Washington Elementary School


The main Washington site provides useful information to parents, students, faculty, and staff regarding operations, events, and contact information.

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